Join Us

It’s about more than just singing and ringing. It’s about having fun, giving back to the community, travelling, meeting people and developing friendships. It’s also about using some of your other talents – governing, managing, accounting, minute taking, promoting, graphics design, printing, organizing individual events & tours, arranging music, tuning pianos, playing other instruments, conducting and managing sound equipment and website development . There’s plenty to engage everyone.


There are no auditions. The key criteria are that you love and can read music. Having said that, several men do not read music, but over the years have added to the group through their rich voices. If you want to ring bells, you have to be able to read music.

The men prefer performing without music. The group prides itself in the professionalism that is exuded by performing “paperless” and our director seems to appreciate that her singers actually look at her for guidance with entries, cut-offs, attenuation etc. However, there are times when music is used but that’s usually limited to Christmas concerts and to periods when we are introducing several new pieces and time is short.


Membership fees are currently $150 annually. Over the years paid concerts, sponsorships, member donations and sales of a cookbook have also enabled the society to prosper. When on tour (every two years) members are responsible for paying for their accommodations. Even then, you have a choice whether you want to billet with our hosts or stay in a motel.

Carpooling is available within Sherwood Park and from Ft Saskatchewan.

Want to sing and ring with us?